Smith Family Birth Center

Birth Center Slide Deck

Created with the needs of a unique learner in mind, this slide deck walks new mothers through their hospital stay. Instead of paragraphs of overwhelming information, this packet contains soft colors and beautiful icons. I included plenty of space for questions and QR codes so mom can quickly pull up more information on her phone. It can be handed to mom before or during her stay!

Another Round Animated Tutorial

Created using Vyond, this animation is an upbeat and friendly tutorial of how to enter a pizza order. I used the bright company colors, fun sound effects, and purposeful images. Story elements are key to keeping the learner engaged, so character development and dialogue are featured throughout. Click play to enjoy!

Pssst...I also created an e-Learning course on this topic!

Helpful Guide

This easy to read graphic can be given to new parents when they leave the hospital. It presents information using pleasing colors and concise main ideas.

Quick Reminder

Simple and straightforward, this job aide uses company colors and custom graphics to help servers while on the job. This can easily be placed throughout the restaurant!

What can I create for you?